Step 1. Google 'Grapefruit' to find out what the hell one looks like.
G is for Grapefruit. C'mon you shoulda known that! Do I have to explain every little thing?
Warning: Halving real children may stunt growth
Step 2. Acquire a surrogate grape fruit.
The proud papa showing off Jr.
On my arrival back home from the store I realized that because we don't know the sex of the grapefruit, I actually need two surrogates. Back to the store.
Step 3. Draw a penis on one grapefruit and a vagina on the other one.
Not wanting to draw a penis or having the knowledge of how to draw a vagina, these sexes will be represented by the letters P and V respectively.
Step 4. Place grapefruit at far end of living area. Rooms with laminate or hardwood floor are
Step 5. Begin shouting random names at the grapefruit. Note any movement on the part of the grapefruit and the corresponding names that triggered it.
Mavid did quite well
Fun Tip: Invite friends over to bet on the which name the grapefruit will choose!
Lost his shirt betting on Tyeesha, luckily he had another one on underneath (starring Bryce Epp as Brice Erpp)
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